Bangabandhu is located in the heart of the Bengali nation. - Alokitobarta
আজ : শুক্রবার, ৩রা মে, ২০২৪ খ্রিস্টাব্দ | ২০শে বৈশাখ, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ

Bangabandhu is located in the heart of the Bengali nation.

Abubakar Siddique: Today is August 5th. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the nation, ruthlessly martyred his family at the hands of some stray army members. Today, the two daughters of Bangabandhu survived because of not being in the country today, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Sheikh Rehana. The bereaved nation today remembers Bangabandhu, the great leader of the Bengali nation, through various events.

The assassins sought to halt the progress of the newly independent Bangladesh state by killing the great leader under whose glorious leadership Bangladesh had become independent. The killing of August 7 is a scandalous incident in the history of the world, not just Bangladesh. The assassin party thought that by killing Bangabandhu, his name would be erased from history forever. But they did not succeed. Bangladesh is moving forward today with the brutal murder of its brutal assassin, the daughter of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The self-assassinated assassins blocked their course of trial by issuing the Indemnity Ordinance.

Although Bangabandhu is not physically present today, his position in the hearts of people. On National Day of Mourning, we must move forward by turning mourning into energy. Selflessness, unrequited love for people, above all, should be followed by the pattern of patriotism that he has shown by patrolling the bullet in front of the killer. Bangabandhu in any crisis and possibility is a symbol of our national unity.

Twenty-one years after the establishment of the Bangabandhu-led Awami League Sheikh Hasina came to power, the Indemnity Ordinance repealed the black law and tried the killer. Five of the abducted murderers were executed. But the rest of the convicted murderers are still fleeing as they escape. Therefore, the wound of August 5 has not yet fully healed from the heart of Bengalis. This wound can be relieved only by the execution of all the killers.

The house of Dhanmondi, the house of Bangabandhu who was martyred in the family, has now become one of the most emotional monuments in the nation. And he has become the source of inspiration for the Bengali nation. One of the major goals of the killers was to remove the country from the path that led to the front of an independent Bangladesh achieved through the War of Liberation. Their aim was to forget the consciousness of the War of Liberation. Reducing the contribution of Bangabandhu, the undisputed leader of the War of Liberation, and destroying the secular spirit in which Bangladesh’s journey began.

After the assassination of Bangabandhu, the history of the War of Liberation began with a vicious conspiracy. Beneficiaries of Bangabandhu assassination created a situation where the name of Bangabandhu could not be propagated through national media. An attempt was made to erase the name of the Great War of Liberation from history. Young people have not been given a long time to know the true history of the War of Liberation Not only to denounce Bangabandhu, the falsehoods have been spread about him in various ways. His contribution has been minimized, even denied. But that attempt at the crooks failed.

Whose name is most closely associated with the history of this country, whose place in the heartland of the people of the country; His name cannot be erased by any decree or decree, his contribution cannot be reduced. He loved the country genuine, and the people of the country gave him love to open his heart. So the plot, attempt, mischief of the murderers, assassins and their patrons have failed.

Although Bangabandhu is not physically present today, his position in the hearts of people. On National Day of Mourning, we must move forward by turning mourning into energy. Selflessness, unrequited love for people, above all, should be followed by the pattern of patriotism that he has shown by patrolling the bullet in front of the killer. Bangabandhu in any crisis and possibility is a symbol of our national unity.
Poet, journalist, editor of Enlightenment.

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