The heat wave is running. In the same way, the discomfort came down in public life. After all, the life of the mosquito is very unpopular.
AbuBakar Siddiq: The heat wave is running. In the same way, the discomfort came down in public life. After all, the life of the mosquito is very unpopular. Though there is a huge amount allocated, there is no such activity of two city corporations that do not eliminate mosquitoes. So, suffering is happening due to mosquitoes. Therefore, the concerned authorities must take strong measures to eliminate the mosquito.
Urban people say that mosquito infestation has increased more than other times. There is no escape from the mosquito. On the other hand, the doors and windows have to be closed and closed immediately after the evening. However, the decision to conduct regular activities of the two city corporations to destroy the mosquito net. According to the report, the effective action of the two city corporations of Dhaka in questioning the mosquito is questioned. Every morning and afternoon, there is a need to disperse mosquito killers, but it is not. Mosquito killers are not seen.
City corporation has promised many times to destroy the mosquito, but it does not work according to expectations. The mosquito eruptions are increasing day by day in the capital. There is no such activity in killing the mosquito. But there are budgets for this. There are also responsible men. So people want to see effective steps to kill mosquitoes.
For the destruction of mosquitoes, millions of crores of rupees were allocated for the two city corporations. But there is still the question about how much of the drug is used in the killing. If the mosquito does not have to be so vulnerable.
Mosquito does not only cause suffering. Mosquitoes carry diseases of dengue, jica virus, and other life-threatening mosquitoes. For this, mosquito breeding should be stopped. In order to avoid increasing the number of ADS mosquitoes, the city corporation government, health ministry, media and related agencies will work together. Make people aware. Citizen awareness is also important in this regard. There are more species of mosquitoes in the lodging, flower tubs, roof gardens, building chawkchas, AC-refrigerators. Be aware of this.
Negligence or laxity can not be accepted on the destruction of mosquito. City corporation has promised many times to destroy the mosquito, but it does not work according to expectations. The mosquito eruptions are increasing day by day in the capital. There is no such activity in killing the mosquito. But there are budgets for this. There are also responsible men. So people want to see effective steps to kill mosquitoes.